Industry Talk Thursdays (ITT) – Prof. Dr. Jeffery Yap
December 1, 2021 2023-01-17 11:26Industry Talk Thursdays (ITT) – Prof. Dr. Jeffery Yap
Prof. Dr. Jeffery Yap Chief Executive Officer of Sincere Group Global of International Sdn. Bhd. He is a Malaysia home-grown Chinese, Strategy Mastermind, Charity Enthusiast, Fashion Designer, Multi-Cultural Devotee, Higher Education Lecturer, Motivational Speaker, Edutainment (education entertainment) Organizer and Multi-Businesses Entrepreneur. He specialises in multiple expertise, prominently in Branding, Designs, Event Organizing and Creative Businesses. He known by his iconic sense of sincerity and dedication in all his works and business collaborations. He majored in the Advertising & Marketing in his early years with IACT College. In 2009, he explored his talent by advancing his education in RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
He always attracted to new ideas, and also exploring new possibilities in all aspects in life and has a vision to bettering humanity in combining economics and charitable aspects around the world. His superb will-power and iron-willed dedicated put him on the world stage by being one of the most notable and youngest creative entrepreneur in the name of Malaysia.
Prof. Dr. Jeffery Yap will be sharing his topic of “Your Brand is Everything”.