For this week’s Industry Talk Thursdays (ITT), we are thrilled to welcome Mr. Gym Chan, the CEO of PORTMAN College
February 23, 2024 2024-03-11 14:16For this week’s Industry Talk Thursdays (ITT), we are thrilled to welcome Mr. Gym Chan, the CEO of PORTMAN College

For this week’s Industry Talk Thursdays (ITT), we are thrilled to welcome Mr. Gym Chan, the CEO of PORTMAN College
From a troubled student to a CEO, Mr. Gym’s journey underwent significant changes, all stemming from the influence and support of friends and circles around him. This enabled him to undergo a transformation and become the person he is today. This is also the theme of his speech: “The importance of being around the right people.”
Mr. Gym mentioned that during his secondary school days, he was a student who skipped classes every day and even faced suspension. It wasn’t until a bullying incident occurred that he realized the need to break away from his existing circle and make a positive effort. From that moment, he began to undergo a transformation, and even during college, the influence from friends in the college circle kept guiding him to where he is today. His message is that a good circle of friends can impact our future, emphasizing the importance of choosing friends wisely, as associating with the right people can change one’s life.
Additionally, he introduced the ‘ESBI’ Model—encouraging everyone to understand the cash flow and how money works in the real world.
A sincere thanks to Mr. Gym Chan for sharing the story and wisdom of his life transformation journey with PORTMANians!
“ITT – Experience Worth Sharing!” 🎤🔥

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